Gateshead Installers of Insulated Bay Window Rubber Flat Roofs. The most recommended Bay Window Flat Roofers for Repairs & Replacement in Gateshead
CALL: 0191 2363008
“I can't praise Endura enough.”
- Failing Lead Bay Window Flat Roof, Diane - October 2021, Gateshead, Verified by Checktrade.
← Failing Lead Bay Window Flat Roof in Gateshead
Bay Window Flat Roof in Gateshead before replacement with an Insulated EPDM Rubber Bay Window Flat Roof - the Endura way.
Every Bay Window Flat Roof tends to look a bit like this sad, tired roof in Gateshead. Our client wanted a proper job and she came to the right place - it’s what we do.
“If only every trader was like Endura.”
- Fully Stripped Replacement Bay Window Flat Roof. Diane - October 2021, Gateshead, Verified by Checktrade.
Fully Stripped Replacement Bay Window Flat Roof in Gateshead →
Bay Window Flat Roof in Gateshead fully stripped ready for replacement with Endura’s longer lasting flat roofing technology.
The bay window flat roof has now been fully stripped with the lead and timber deck having been despatched for recycling. We are ready to begin bringing this roof up to modern building regulations and beyond.
“Ryan and Dan were an absolute credit to the company.”
- Spray Foam Insulated Bay Window Flat Roof, Diane - October 2021, Gateshead, Verified by Checktrade.
← Spray Foam Insulated Bay Window Flat Roof
Spray Foam Insulation installed to create an airtight, draught free and warm bay window flat roof in Gateshead.
Things are taking shape on this bay window flat roof now. The spray foam insulation has been installed giving multiple benefits to the customer. The roof is now airtight, free of cold draughts and fully insulated. This method also eliminates any potential issues with interstitial condensation in the roof void which is a common problem with cold deck design flat roofing.
“…everything was so professional.”
- New Replacement EPDM Rubber Insulated Bay Window Flat Roof, Diane - October 2021, Gateshead, Verified by Checktrade.
New Replacement EPDM Rubber Insulated Bay Window Flat Roof in Gateshead →
Here is the proper job I promised at the beginning: A New Replacement EPDM Rubber Insulated Bay Window Flat Roof in Gateshead.
The final stage of the flat roof installation has now been completed with the OSB3 roof deck installed and made watertight by the Endura RubberCover EPDM Single Ply Membrane - nothing will last longer. 20yr membrane warranty and a lifespan of 40+ years! Our delighted customer has also been provided with a 10yr insurance backed workmanship guarantee for complete peace of mind.